Is there such a thing as a gentle, quiet spinal adjustment? Sure there is!
A chiropractic physician is typically trained in a variety of techniques that can be used to safely and effectively adjust your spine. This flexibility allows the doctor to tailor his or her treatment to the patient’s specific needs and preferences.
To perform an adjustment, the chiropractor must apply some pressure to a specific area of the back, but this pressure can be applied in many different ways to suit the situation. In the most basic terms, the techniques used by chiropractors vary by velocity, amplitude, duration, and frequency. They are also sometimes distinguished by whether the chiropractor uses only his hands (termed “manual” adjustment) or uses some device (called “instrument” or “computer” adjusting).
Today, most spinal manipulation is done using “high velocity, low amplitude” (HVLA) approaches. In these approaches, the chiropractor applies targeted force using a series of quick, short movements to bring the spinal column back into alignment. This type of adjustment often produces a “popping” or “cracking” sound that some people love, but others find a bit disturbing.
However, there are also circumstances when other methods may be more appropriate. These usually involve cases where the patient’s body may be fragile (for instance, because of old age or a recent injury) or the patient is particularly nervous about the treatment (perhaps a child, a first-time patient, or someone who is bothered by the sound of a traditional adjustment). In these cases, low-force techniques reduce the risk of accidental injuries while improving the patient’s experience. They may also increase the treatment’s effectiveness by minimizing the defensive tensing of muscles that sometimes occurs when a patient is anticipating an HVLA adjustment.
The term “low-force” can be applied in several different contexts related to chiropractic care:
Palpation is a manual technique used by chiropractors to assess a patient's degree of tension and range of motion. Chiropractors who practice low-force palpation feel for the first barrier to movement and stop there, which is gentler for the patient than manipulating a joint through increasing pain and resistance.
Low-force manual adjusting begins slowly, applying the smallest amount of pressure necessary to achieve the desired adjustment. Low-force adjustments do not give patients the same “buzz” as HVLA techniques (which often cause neural receptors in the joint to fire), but this is not always a bad thing. This is especially true for those who are especially sensitive or already in a state of nervous tension or excitement.
Instrument adjusting—including the Activator Method—uses a small, hand-held tool (basically a spring-loaded plunger) to quickly and gently deliver a highly targeted adjustment.
Computerized adjusting combines sophisticated sensors with advanced measurement and analysis technologies to precisely target chiropractic treatments. With this type of equipment (the ProAdjuster is one example), patients experience little more than a gentle “tapping” sensation that stops when the adjustment is complete.
Some chiropractors have also adopted low-force methods (or methods that can be modified to apply different degrees of force) for manipulating soft tissue. Post-isometric relaxation, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy are three examples of such techniques.
Dr. Bonnie uses a combination of these techniques, depending on the patient’s case history, medical issues, recent and current injuries, and pain threshold.
If you’ve never tried chiropractic care before and are wondering whether it might be right for you, call or visit our office today. We’ll be happy to explain our approach!