There are lots of reasons why people may seek the help of a professional healthcare provider, and one common reason is pain. Acute and chronic pain can have an impact on someone's overall quality of life, and one potential reason why you might be suffering from pain is myofascitis. What is myofascitis, and why is chiropractic care a great treatment choice for this condition? There are a few important points to keep in mind.
What Is Myofascitis?
Myofascitis is a condition that can lead to chronic pain. In this condition, pressure is placed on specific locations within the muscles, which causes them to become painful and weak. In some cases, pain may show up in other locations in the body, which is typically called referred pain.
There are a number of potential causes of this condition, and there is still research taking place that is trying to decipher why this condition impacts some people but not others. Sometimes, people develop this condition after they have contracted a muscle repeatedly. The repetitive motion can lead to widespread inflammation, which is believed to be a major contributing factor to this condition.
While a lot of people experience mild muscle pain after exercising, the discomfort associated with this condition usually persists long after the muscles should have recovered. Therefore, a comprehensive treatment plan is usually required.
What Are the Symptoms?
Like other conditions, the symptoms associated with myofascitis can vary significantly depending on the severity of the condition. Some of the most common symptoms of myofascitis include:
Many develop feelings of deep, aching pain located far underneath the surface of the muscle group.
Many develop a forward head posture or forward rounding of the shoulders.
A hallmark symptom is pain that gets worse even with rest and stretching.
Some people may feel like they have one or more knots showing up in the muscles themselves.
Lots of people with myofascitis have issues sleeping because of their muscle pain.
It is important to develop a well-rounded treatment plan that can address myofascitis.
Why Is Chiropractic Care Beneficial?
Overall, chiropractic care should play an integral role in treating myofascitis. One of the first goals of chiropractic care is to restore blood flow and circulation to the muscle tissues to ensure they have access to the oxygen and nutrients they require. A variety of treatment techniques can be used, including trigger point work of the muscles, analgesic balms, extremity treatments, and spinal adjustments.
Dr. Bonnie will work with patients to develop a comprehensive stretching plan that could lengthen the appropriate and necessary muscle fibers. This is important for alleviating unnecessary stress and force placed on the muscles. Stretching can also remove lactic acid from the muscles, which could reduce inflammation.
Myofascitis symptoms can significantly impact your quality of life. It can cause diffuse inflammation throughout the muscles, which can make them feel sore and weak. Working with Dr. Bonnie, she will develop a treatment plan to help you recover while minimizing the chances of developing side effects and complications. With stretching, adjustments, and innovative therapy types, you can ensure that your muscles have access to the oxygen and nutrients they require.
If you don’t have a chiropractor, please give us a call so we can help you address these problems related to chronic muscle pain. We are more than happy to serve you and have helped many people in our local community overcome health conditions like yours.