A chiropractor who is a Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner (CCWP) has pursued a post-doctoral specialty provided by the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) Wellness Lifestyle Certification Program. The course of study for this credential typically consists of four modules, such as the following, offered by the ICA Council: • Scientific and Philosophical Validation of the Chiropractic Wellness Paradigm • Wellness Nutrition and Natural Health • Wellness Physical Fitness and Spinal Hygiene • Wellness State of Mind, Emotional Health and Secrets of Eliciting Patient Lifestyle Change The CCWP courses involve a combination of onsite classroom instruction, home study, and examinations, designed to provide a complete foundation in the subject of wellness, lifestyle improvements, and optimal health technologies, within the context of the chiropractic model. Emphasis is placed on studying scientifically validated methods of nutrition, exercise and fitness, stress reduction, and the development of a positive mental attitude, all technologies that complement the chiropractic paradigm. The designation of Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner indicates that the chiropractor has a commitment to the overall health of his or her patients, and to helping them to adopt healthy lifestyle changes. The cost of chronic illness is enormous; 80% of the cost of healthcare spending is to combat such chronic disorders. In the chiropractic paradigm, chronic illness is a lifestyle issue, one that can be corrected by regular chiropractic care and by attention to issues related to healthy living. Lifestyle is often the root cause of many seeking chiropractic care, including those suffering from back or neck pain or chronic headaches. The patient's lifestyle can also affect how successfully they will respond to chiropractic adjustments and other treatments. The Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner can thus offer advice to patients that can greatly improve their ability to regain a state of wellness as quickly as possible, and maintain that healthier lifestyle in the future, thus preventing future problems. Those who hold the Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner credential have studied the physiological effects of diet and nutrition, including the possible toxicity of processed foods and chemicals in our environments. They have examined scientific research to see how these factors affect the neurophysiological effect of chiropractic adjustment, and how lifestyle changes can positively affect a successful outcome to treatment. They have also studied the effects of exercise and proper fitness regimens in promoting a more balanced lifestyle both during and post-treatment. Another benefit of the Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner specialty, however, is the practitioner's understanding of the psychology of wellness. That is, the psychological factors of behavioral change, and how they can be utilized to promote a greater sense of well-being, inner peace, and general happiness. The development of a positive mental attitude can be one of the most important factors in realizing the goal of overall wellness and the prevention of chronic disease. Resources: http://www.chiropractic.org/index.php?p=wellness/wellness http://www.thewellnesspractice.com http://www.inspiredchiropractic.com/doctor/chiropractor/51L/norwich-chiropractor/certified-chiropractic-wellness-practitioner.htm