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  • Understanding Spinal Anatomy

    Your spine, or backbone, is the primary physical support for your body. The spine is composed of 33 separate vertebrae, which are flexible and permit standing, bending over, and twisting. The bony vertebrae encase and protect the spinal cord, which is connected directly to the brain stem. A healthy spine is flexible and strong, and it contributes to strong muscles and bones. However, injury, strain or disease can cause problems with the spine such as pain, inflammation and restricted movement. The spine develops from infancy into adulthood, gradually adapting itself from a C-shape, which is suitable for crawling, to an S-shape, which is the natural shape for two-legged walking. The natural curves in the spine serve to cushion impact from movement, absorb shock, preserve balance, and allow range of motion. The three main curves in the spine are known as the cervical curve (the neck region), the thoracic curve (the upper back) and the lumbar curve (the lower back). There are 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 4 coccygeal. The sacral and coccygeal are the lowest vertebrae in the spine, below the lumbar area. Good muscle tone is important to help maintain proper posture and spinal alignment. It is also important for us to put effort into maintaining proper posture by training our bodies to walk, stand, lie, and sit such that the lowest possible amount of strain is placed on our spine, muscles, and ligaments. Twenty-four of the vertebrae in your spine are moveable. They are cushioned by intervertebral discs which act like coiled springs. They are fluid filled and, as we age, become more brittle, causing us to get shorter. Osteoporosis, a common condition related to aging, as well as injury and strain, can cause spinal discs to herniate or bulge. This condition can cause significant back pain. Damage to the spinal cord can cause numbness and loss of motor function. Injury to the cervical area can cause tetraplegia (also known as quadriplegia), while injury to the thoracic or lumbar area may result in paraplegia, or loss of the use of the legs and trunk. There are several common spinal disorders. Lordosis, also known as sway back, occurs when there is abnormal forward curvature of the lumbar spine. Those who have abnormal curvature of the thoracic curve have kyphosis, or hunchback. Scoliosis occurs when there is a mild side-to-side curvature in the spine. Slight curves of less than 20 degrees do not usually present health or medical problems. Moderate curves usually need treatment because they can significantly limit physical activity. If you would like to learn more about the benefits to chiropractic care, click here. Resources: #Spinalanatomy #Spinalcordandnumbness

  • How Old Should You Be to See a Chiropractor?

    You can benefit from chiropractic care at any age. Because the birthing process – even with natural childbirth methods – can cause subtle injuries to the clavicle, collarbone, spine and neck, parents often bring their infants to their chiropractors for a checkup soon after they are born. Many chiropractors have received specialized training in pediatric care, and have been trained in how to assess these subtle problems and imbalances in ways that medical doctors and pediatricians have not. Chiropractic care can also benefit children as they continue to grow. Spinal problems may result as the result of falls, or from long periods of time spent in cramped or uncomfortable positions, such as riding in car seats. This can result in many common disorders in children, such as persistent earaches, bed-wetting, colic, or headaches. These conditions have often been successfully treated via chiropractic care. In 2007, nearly 3% of American children were treated with chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation, making it one of the most common forms of complementary or alternative medicine used for children. Chiropractic has been proven for decades to be one of the safest alternative health care methods, and of course safety is even more important when dealing with children. Spinal adjustments, when performed on infants or young children, involve very light, finger-tip movements. One or two pounds of pressure is all that is necessary to correct spinal structures that have become misaligned, because although it is easy for children's spines to shift out of alignment, it is also easy to ease them back into place. The "popping" sound that is often heard when spinal joints are manipulated in adults is not always heard in children. There is rarely any pain or discomfort, and many children enjoy their visits to the chiropractor and look forward to subsequent visits. So there is no reason why, as a parent, you should not consider chiropractic care for your infant or child, and there are many reasons why it may be wise to do so. The focus of chiropractic is, after all, to treat the "whole person" and, by keeping the spine and nervous system healthy, keeping the whole body healthy. This is as important in children as it is in adults. It is important to note, however, that a chiropractor is not a replacement for your pediatrician, who is there to provide your children with medications and care in case of serious illness or injury. The chiropractor provides complementary care, focusing on wellness, integrity of the spine and the nervous system, and the development of a healthy immune system. You would not expect your medical doctor or pediatrician to perform a checkup on your children's teeth; instead you'd take them to a dentist, who has had more specialized training. Similarly, chiropractors have had more specialized training that enables them to diagnose subtle imbalances in children's spinal structures and restore them to balance with subtle, non-invasive adjustments. Resources • • • • • • • #Whatagetostartchiropractictreatments #Chiropracticissafe

  • How Chiropractic Can Help Patients Who Suffer with Arthritis

    Even though chiropractic excels in wellness care, it is becoming more common for people to visit chiropractors to treat a variety of different kinds of pain. Because of this, chiropractic adjustments provide many benefits to people and patients who suffer from a wide variety of conditions like arthritis. In today’s article, we’ll explore how chiropractic can help patients who suffer from arthritis and give you additional suggestions on how to alleviate the pain that’s associated with it. What a Chiropractor Does A Doctor of Chiropractic, also known as a chiropractor, is a health professional that focuses primarily on wellness care instead of sickness care. Their specialty focuses on adjusting the spine to correct misalignments that may be impinging on nerves. Regular visits to a chiropractor can not only restore health throughout the body but also help alleviate back pain and other symptoms associated with an improperly aligned spinal column. They can also work with their patients to plan exercise routines and alterations in diet to assist management of inflammation and pain. Most insurance carriers cover visits to a chiropractor on at least some level. What Is Arthritis? Put simply, arthritis is inflammation in the joints which result in joint pain, stiffness and limited range of movement. There are over 200 different varieties of the ailment. While it is generally associated with age, it can also affect young people. It can strike almost any area of the body, with each region having a different cause and name. In some cases, arthritis can cause damage to soft tissues and muscles, like the heart and lungs. Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease, is the most common type of arthritis. It results from repeated trauma to the joint and becomes more common in the elderly. Other common forms of arthritis include: *Rheumatoid arthritis, the second most common form in which the body’s immune system attacks the joint. *Psoriatic arthritis, another autoimmune form of arthritis. *Ankylosing spondylitis, also a type of arthritis where the body attacks itself. *Septic arthritis, which is caused by a viral or bacterial infection of the joint. Diagnosis Diagnosing arthritis involves a complete and thorough examination. If Dr Bonnie feels the need to co-manage the case, a medical work-up by a rheumatologist may be recommended. This can include radiology (x-ray) or an MRI, urine and blood analysis and physical examinations. It is important to have your condition properly diagnosed so you can more effectively treat the symptoms of the disease. Chiropractors and Arthritis The most common treatment for arthritis is medication, which can take down the inflammation and swelling and reduce pain. However, chiropractors can be of great help in managing arthritis. While medications work, it has long-term health risks such as impairing healing, damage to the stomach lining and internal bleeding. By visiting and scheduling an appointment with Dr Bonnie you may be able to reduce your reliance upon these medications while managing your pain and symptoms naturally. Spinal treatments with Dr Bonnie can: *Improve your range of motion by keeping your spine in line *Improve endurance and flexibility *Increase your strength and muscle tone *Help you develop a dietary and nutritional plan to reduce inflammation naturally In addition, chiropractors can recommend an exercise regimen that’s conducive to arthritis. According to the American Chiropractic Association, this is a vital component in managing your arthritis symptoms. Treating the Symptoms Please understand that chiropractors cannot cure your arthritis. At this time, there is no cure for this ailment. Dr Bonnie however, will help to alleviate the symptoms and slow the progression of the illness. She will use spinal adjustments in conjunction with other treatments to address the disease. These options can include: *Hot and cold therapy *Ultrasound treatments *Massage *Physical rehabilitation exercises *Magnet therapy The Best Results With an inflammatory disease like arthritis, the best results are achieved from attacking it at all angles. This means working with Dr Bonnie and rheumatologist to combine treatments, if necessary. In addition to their care, a healthy diet and active exercise regime will help move you in the right direction toward a healthier outcome. If you or a loved one are suffering with arthritis, don’t hesitate to give us a call today. We’re here to help in any way we can! If you would like to learn more about the benefits to chiropractic care and more about our office, click here. #Chiropracticandarthritis #Commontypesofarthritis #Signsandsymptomsofarthritis

  • 5 Tips to Use When Choosing the Perfect Pillow

    Neck pain is nobody's friend, and it is not an ideal sleeping companion. Pain-filled nights can leave a person dull, groggy, and not ready to face the day in the morning. Unfortunately, certain sleeping positions can further aggravate neck pain to the point it robs a person of a good night's sleep. If you suffer from neck pain, the toll it takes on deep sleep isn't news to you. What may surprise you, however, is choosing the right pillow can make a huge difference in whether you lie awake grumpily watching the clock or snuggle cozily into dream land. A million pillow choices await you. The first order of business is determining the primary position you sleep in. Certain shapes of pillows cradle the head and neck more comfortably, depending on the sleeping position. Now that you have determined your favorite sleeping position, you are ready to shop for a new pillow. Be certain to keep these five tips in mind before you settle on your new bed mate. #1: Ask for a recommendation. Before selecting your new pillow, talk to the person who understands the cause of your neck pain, Dr Bonnie, she will give you some valuable pointers on choosing the pillow that will be most beneficial. #2: Do your research. Fire up the Internet and search for pillows by your sleeping position. Read the reviews from people who also have neck pain, and see which pillows helped them. Note the pillow name, price, and store that sells it. #3: Think about the filling. Pillows are filled with a variety of materials, and you will need to consider which one is right for you. Feather pillows may offer neck comfort, but if you are allergic this is the wrong choice. Memory foam is a popular choice because of its ability to contour to your body's shape. Give some thought to the type of filling that best suits your sleeping style. #4: Consider the size. Pillows should generally be between 4-6 inches in height, and should alleviate the pressure points around your neck and shoulders. Extra thick pillows or especially flat ones are most likely the wrong choices (again, this depends on your sleeping position). Your size should also be considered when choosing a pillow. A large person needs a bigger pillow, while a smaller framed person should go with a smaller pillow. The bottom line is the pillow should provide support and comfort, and hold your neck in a neutral position. #5: Don't try to 'make do' with a budget pillow. Pillows designed to reduce neck pain are not going to be cheap. With all the less expensive pillows available, it’s tempting to settle for a more modestly priced option. Before you end up spending a smaller amount of cash on a pillow that won't alleviate your current problem, remember the many painful nights and groggy mornings that you would have paid a ton of money just to feel good. Then open your wallet and buy the pillow that will minimize that from ever happening again. Parting with the cash won't kill you. We promise. Neck pain and the lack of sleep that results, is a serious issue. Addressing it with a good chiropractor is the first step toward improving the situation. Shopping for the perfect pillow is a close second in importance. By following these tips and taking the time to choose the right pillow, you will be snoozing away pain-free in no time at all! If you would like to learn about the benefits of chiropractic care or more about our office, click here. #Whatisthebestpillowforneckpain

  • How Do I Know If I Need A Chiropractor?

    Some people think chiropractors only treat back pain, but actually they are specialists in the entire musculoskeletal system. They do focus primarily on the spine and surrounding tissues, but the spine is intimately related to good functioning of the whole body. Chiropractors may treat back pain and spasms, sports injuries, headaches, and pregnancy pain. They are trained in a variety of non-invasive techniques and believe in the most natural healing possible. How do you know if a chiropractor is right for you? Here are some conditions for which chiropractic treatment has been shown to be particularly effective. 1. Joint pain. Pain in the back and other joints is one of the most common health complaints and causes the greatest number of missed work days for health reasons. Chiropractors specialize in treating back pain and have a wide variety of techniques to treat pain anywhere from the feet and ankles up to the neck. 2. Headaches. In particular, migraine headaches can often be effectively treated by a chiropractor. While the exact origin of migraines remains a mystery, spinal manipulation has been shown to improve symptoms as much as a common prescription drug known as amitriptyline. 3. Athletic injuries. Laser therapy is a common treatment for plantar fasciitis, a typical running injury, and it is commonly administered by a chiropractor. A soft tissue therapy known as the Active Release Technique is a popular treatment offered by chiropractors that can treat long-standing injuries to muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves and fascia. 4. Pregnancy. A somewhat sudden addition of around 30 pounds to the average woman adds stress to the body, from the back to the ankles, knees and feet. It also results in greater spinal curvature in the lower back and changes to the pelvis. Spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy and therapeutic exercises have been shown to be effective in reducing pain during pregnancy, particularly lower back and groin pain. 5. Whiplash. Whiplash is a common injury sustained after a motor vehicle accident. It results in pain in several areas of the body, as well as headaches and vision problems. Chiropractic treatment has been shown to be effective in treating whiplash through the use of spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and specific exercises for the affected areas. Other things to consider when choosing the type of care you need for your injury is that chiropractors use drug-free approaches without surgery. They are a good option for many kinds of pain and won’t steer you towards drugs or operations, which should be last-resort treatments because of the risks involved. At the same time, chiropractors are not “anti-traditional medicine” and often collaborate with allopathic doctors as well as other health professionals such as acupuncturists and massage therapists in order to design the most effective treatment plan for their patients. If you would like to learn more about the benefits of chiropractic care and our office, click here. Resources • • #Conditionstreatedbychiropractors #Chiropracticisusedformorethanbackpain

  • Why Sleep Apnea is a Serious Condition

    The latest research shows that having sleep apnea significantly increases the risk of death. Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder that affects at least 18 million Americans. In fact, sleep apnea is also associated with nearly double the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, as well as early death in men, particularly middle-aged and older men. An obstructed airway causes sleep apnea, which results in cessations in breathing during sleep. This can occur hundreds of times each night. Sleep apnea often results in lowered oxygen levels in the blood, and if untreated, can lead to poor sleep quality, daytime sleepiness, and increased car accidents. Mounting research reveals it may lead to far worse consequences as well. Even those with mild to moderate sleep apnea may see an increase of up to 17% in their risk of death. A long and large study conducted at Johns Hopkins University and published this year showed results that have real meaning for the average person. Over a period of 10 years, the researchers included more than 6,400 men and women between the ages of 40 and 70. Most of the participants snored, which is the main symptom of sleep apnea. The researchers monitored their sleep patterns as well as their breathing, heart rhythms, and brain activity while sleeping. The results revealed that about half had moderate to severe sleep apnea. Next, the researchers tracked those with sleep apnea over the next eight to ten years, monitoring and recording the incidence of sickness and death. The main illnesses they found were high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease. They made an incredible discovery: those who experienced just 11 minutes of severe sleep apnea per night, in which blood oxygen levels dropped to below 90% of normal, nearly doubled the risk of death among men. The researchers were not able to conclude the same for women, since the study included so few women with severe sleep apnea. In general, sleep apnea affects men more than women. The researchers indicated that these results are serious and require attention by doctors as well as patients. "With such mounting evidence indicating the range of clinical effects of sleep apnea, awareness among health care professionals and the general community needs to increase," said study lead author Dr. Naresh Punjabi, an associate professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore. Anyone with the main symptoms of sleep apnea, including loud snoring, daytime fatigue, and difficulty concentrating should discuss their symptoms with a doctor. Lifestyle changes such as losing weight may help the problem. If you have a more serious case of sleep apnea, there is effective therapy, including Continuous Positive Airway Pressure devices that act as a sort of oxygen mask during sleep. According to accumulating evidence, not only can treating sleep apnea improve your quality of life, but may save it as well. #Signsandsymtomsofsleepapnea #Whatissleepapnea

  • 4 Benefits of Stretching for Chiropractic Patients

    Most people stretch and hardly pay any attention to it. Throughout the day a person may stretch upon waking or after they’ve been sitting in the same position for a while. They might do some stretches before working out or as part of physical therapy. Stretching often makes us feel better but it might be surprising to discover that it is actually beneficial to optimal body function. As a person ages their muscles begin to tighten. This is a natural part of the aging process. However, it can cause inhibit range of motion and joint stiffness, making normal day to day activities more difficult. After certain injuries stiffness can set in, causing pain and decreased flexibility. What many chiropractic patients may be surprised to learn is that stretching is a great complement to chiropractic care. When combined with simple stretches and low impact exercises, chiropractic patients often find that their injuries heal faster, their pain is reduced, and they simply feel better and more energetic. If that isn’t enough to convince you to incorporate stretching into your daily wellness routine, maybe these four compelling benefits will. Helps keep the spine aligned When you stretch the muscles in your chest, shoulders, and lower back it will improve your posture by helping to keep your spine in better alignment. When your muscles are not stretched properly they begin to draw up and it usually isn’t in a uniform or symmetrical manner. This means that muscles on one side of your spine may draw up more than the muscles on the other side. This can result in your body being pulled to that side, causing your spine to be pulled that way. Stretching prevents this from happening and when combined with consistent chiropractic care it can ensure good spinal health. Improves flexibility and range of motion Most people know, on some level, that stretching improves flexibility and range of motion. However, many do not act on that knowledge and they often wind up at the doctor’s office complaining of back pain. Stretching will make you more flexible which, in turn, will make you less prone to injury. Your muscles will be able to work as effectively as possible. It is important that you don’t overdo it though. Some people take terrible risks when they stretch, thinking that if they force their bodies into certain positions or if they bounce will get a deeper stretch then they will be more flexible. The reverse is true. Stretching in an unsafe way such as bouncing or forcing your body far beyond its limits will result in injury including pulled muscles and muscle tearing. Helps relieve stress and detoxify the body When you stretch, two very significant things happen. First, your blood flow increases as blood is rushed to the muscles, your organs, and your brain. Secondly, it moves oxygen through these areas. As a result, toxins that have accumulated in your soft tissues are dispelled. The simple stretching that relieves tension in muscles, combined with the detoxifying effect will help you feel less stressed. Stretching is a great stress management exercise, one you can do just about anywhere. You don’t need any special equipment and you can even do it right at your desk while you are working. A bonus is that you’ll feel the de-stressing effects instantly. Relieves lower back pain If you suffer from lower back pain, you might find that stretching is a great pain reliever. Stretching can be a great alternative to opioids and other pain medications that can be addictive and have dangerous side effects. It relies on the body’s natural ability to heal itself by releasing the tension and easing the stiffness of the muscles in that area. The stiffer those muscles are, the more they will hurt when you try to move. By relaxing them through stretching you will find that you move much easier and with less pain. Stretching has so many great benefits. Talk to Dr Bonnie about a customized stretching plan that you can do at home. You’ll love what it does for you. #Improvedrangeofmotionwithstretching #Howstretchingcanrelelievestress #Lowerbackpainandstretching

  • Choosing the Right Ski Helmet

    Skiing is one of the most exhilarating sports for almost any age. Unfortunately, the excitement and fun is all too often marred by accidents that can range from the inconvenient to the deadly. Although one can exercise good judgment, be in excellent shape and be an expert skier, there is no way to avoid the significant risk of accidents on the slope due to careless skiers, unforeseen obstacles and equipment failure. It is in those brief moments of chaos where head protection becomes the deciding factor between getting back up and being evacuated by the ski patrol. A good helmet protects not only against the blunt force trauma of high-speed head-to-ground contact but also the puncturing wounds from head-to-tree collisions. When choosing a ski helmet, make sure the size and fit are perfect for your head. Determine your helmet size by measuring your head’s circumference (a measuring tape works quite nicely). When trying out helmets, make sure it fits properly by rolling the helmet off of your head. If the skin of your face moves then the helmet fits properly. Also make sure the helmet is not too tight, as any pressure points while fitting the helmet will cause significant pain on the slopes. Even the chinstrap should be relaxed and comfortable, enough to hold the helmet on but not to cause any pressure. It is also important that the back of the helmet not touch the back of the neck even when the head is fully titled back as this may cause injuries during a crash. If you plan to order online then be aware that helmets are designed for varying head shapes as well as sizes. You may need to order a variety of styles and return the ones that don’t fit well. Have a friend check the shape of your head to determine if you have an oval, round or “roval” head. Your ski goggles should also fit the helmet perfectly. While wearing the helmet, you should be able to fit the goggles properly without any exposed space on your forehead and a minimum amount of exposed space on the sides. The goggles should not overlap the helmet on any side. Make sure the helmet has a clip in the back to hold the goggle strap otherwise you may find it slipping off at the worst possible moment. Helmets not only provide vital protection during collisions but also provide protection from the cold and adverse weather conditions. You can find helmets that provide ear protection and other comfort features, such as vents for warmer weather skiing Lastly, for an extra bit of fun and some long-term memories, helmets allow you to attach cameras so that you can record your ski runs. What better way to enjoy your runs than show them off on video!

  • Chiropractic Care for Chronic Pain Sufferers

    Pain is a useful indicator that something is wrong with the body that requires attention. Acute pain tends to occur suddenly, often in response to an injury or a change in mobility or function. For example, if you run into a door and hurt yourself, or awaken with a stiff neck that was not there before, that is acute pain. Chronic pain may also start suddenly, but what differentiates it from acute pain is that it persists; it extends beyond the normal range required for healing. Accidents and diseases can result in pain that lingers long after the event that caused it. The problem is that the longer we feel a chronic pain, the more our bodies and brains compensate and change to accommodate it. This can lead to not only a decreased sense of well-being but actual degradation of our physical health. Medical treatment of chronic pain tends to rely on drugs to mask or reduce the pain, but rarely addresses the root cause of the pain. Chiropractic treatment has been found to be a safe, drug-free, non-invasive treatment for many types of pain, but may be most effective when dealing with chronic pain. We can define chronic back pain as pain that has persisted longer than three months. The pain may be neuropathic (caused by actual nerve tissue damage, and usually experienced as a sharp pain or burning sensation), or nociceptive (caused by an injury or a source outside the nervous system, experienced as a constant dull ache). This type of chronic pain commonly occurs in adults between the ages of 30 and 50, but may also appear in other age groups as a result of lifestyle practices or injury. Chronic pain due to nervous system irritation or nerve injury can lead to a number of corollary symptoms – lower back pain, changes in posture or stature, lack of mobility, problems with balance, and over time, actual muscle loss. Chiropractic can be very effective in treating these conditions. Because the long-term goal of chiropractic is to create a healthy spine as the basis for general wellness, it can also help to reestablish normal functioning and eliminate the root causes of chronic pain. Many chiropractors are also trained in methodologies such as trigger point therapy and massage, which have been shown to alleviate chronic pain. Your chronic pain treatment may also include some form of exercise plan, either on your own or under the supervision of a physical therapist, to help you rebuild your strength in the affected areas. If you are experiencing this kind of pain, consult with your chiropractor to assess whether it may be successfully treated with chiropractic adjustments and/or related therapies. Chiropractic care can be very effective in treating chronic pain on its own, but also integrates well with traditional medical care, without the risk of drug side effects or surgery. Chiropractic treatment may be an effective therapy for you to help with long term pain management, and possibly achieve the elimination of the pain itself. To learn more about our office and the benefits to chiropractic care, click here. Resources: #Depressionandchronicpain

  • Some Surprising Statistics About Back Pain

    Back pain relief is just one component of chiropractic care, but it is often a patient’s first introduction. Back pain is horribly debilitating affecting all aspects of work and personal life. If you are suffering from back pain, you are not alone. Here are a few facts about back pain that may (or may not) surprise you. • Back pain is the number one disability for those under age 45. • In the United States of America alone, there is an expected 31 million people with lower back pain at any given time. • Back pain runs second, after only the common cold, as the top reason for visiting a healthcare provider in the United States. • Experts place the likelihood of any person to experience some type of back problem in their lifetime at about 80%. That’s four out of every five people! • Over 50 billion dollars are spent per year in the pursuit of clearing up cases of back pain. • Around 30 to 40 percent of all workplace absences are due to back pain. • Approximately one quarter of U.S. adults reported having low back pain lasting at least one whole day in the past three months, and 7.6 percent reported at least one episode of severe acute low back pain within a one-year period. • One-half of all working Americans admit to having back pain symptoms each year. • Approximately 2 percent of the U.S. work force is compensated for back injuries each year • Lower back pain accounts for two thirds of all back pain-related cases. • More than two-thirds of back strains are caused by lifting and other exertions like pulling and pushing. • Most cases of back pain are mechanical or non-organic—meaning they are not caused by serious conditions, such as inflammatory arthritis, infection, fracture or cancer. The key to proper treatment of back pain is to understand the cause. Remember, pain is always a sign that something else is wrong and if continually ignored may lead to more serious harm. Chiropractors are experts in assessing the root cause of your back pain and putting you on the right course to recovery. #Staticsonlowerbackpain

  • Are You Looking in the Right Place for Back Pain Relief?

    What You Can Learn From America’s Back Pain Experience A June 2010 article by Associated Press Medical Writer Lauran Neergaard shines a bright light on the problem of back pain in America. In the article, entitled “Back Pain May Be Widely Over-Treated in the U.S.”, she raises some great questions about how we’re spending our healthcare dollars, what we’re getting for it and why. “By one recent estimate, Americans are spending a staggering $86 billion a year in care for aching backs—from MRIs to pain pills to nerve blocks to acupuncture. That research found little evidence that the population got better as the bill soared over the past decade.” Ms. Neergaard’s writing hits close to home, and the situation she describes is probably familiar to anyone who’s tried to find relief from serious back pain in the past few years. But what does it all mean to you if you or someone you care about is a patient looking for relief? Here’s a quick summary of the more important takeaways from Ms. Neergard’s article as well as some practical points to keep in mind as you consider your options and work with your healthcare provider on a treatment plan: 1. While back pain in general is a widespread problem in the U.S., the specifics always come down to the individual. There is no silver bullet—the treatment that was effective for your neighbor may not be right for you. Your healthcare provider can evaluate your symptoms and advise you on the appropriateness of alternative therapies. 2. Time is usually on your side when it comes to back pain. Up to 90% of patients will heal on their own within a matter of weeks. Unless your healthcare provider sees “red flag” symptoms, patients should generally exhaust their noninvasive options first before considering surgery. 3. “Exercise is medicine, but it has to be the right exercise.” Formal exercise programs that are designed and supervised by experts can be effective provided that the patient is able to manage and function with pain. 4. Your own motivation and attitude can make a big difference in the effectiveness of your treatment. Patients who can work through pain, stay focused on the plan and get back to normal activity as quickly as possible will generally have the advantage when it comes to recovery. 5. Make sure you have access to a neutral third party (perhaps your chiropractor or family doctor) who can help you weigh the advice of various specialists and navigate through your choices. And always get a second opinion if surgery is being considered. Back pain is a complex phenomenon and it’s often very difficult to treat successfully. At a time when health science regularly produces new miracles and we’ve come to expect instant results, it can be difficult for us to keep this basic truth in perspective. What comes through loud and clear in Ms. Neergaard’s article is that our most advanced diagnostic technologies and sophisticated surgical procedures are not solving the back pain problem for millions of Americans. And that it’s costing us a great deal of money to fail using our most expensive techniques. This raises two big-picture questions, not just for U.S. health care policy makers and administrators, but for anyone who’s trying to make smart decisions about back pain treatment: 1. Given the pervasiveness of back pain in America, the number of people who are likely suffering without treatment and the kinds of issues Ms. Neergaard writes about, can it really be said that we’re “over-treating” back pain? Wouldn’t it be closer to the truth to say that we’re mistreating it by using too many of the wrong tools in too many of the wrong cases? If so, what does her reporting really suggest about the direction we should be headed? 2. There are many factors contributing to our national back pain epidemic, and many of them have to do with our lifestyle choices and the way we manage our health more broadly. What should we be willing to spend for an ounce of prevention when it comes to back pain? How Your Chiropractic Doctors Can Help If you or someone you care about is suffering with back pain, call Dr Bonnie. She is specially licensed and trained to diagnose and treat conditions related to the musculoskeletal system and the nerves that support it. She can help relieve back pain by using spinal adjustments. This spinal manipulation is the primary form of treatment performed by chiropractic physicians and is a widely recognized back pain therapy. Research has shown that manipulative therapy and spinal manipulation are not only safe and effective, but can also produce results more quickly and less expensively than other alternatives. Dr Bonnie is also skilled in designing and supervising exercise and rehabilitative programs and she is committed to helping patients achieve a healthier lifestyle that prevents illness and promotes performance. To learn more about our office and the benefits of chiropractic care, click here. #Researchfindingsonlowerbackpain #Chiropracticcareandlowerbackpain

  • Can I Use My Flexible Spending Account for Chiropractic Care?

    As of the time this article is being written – Yes you can use your FSA account to pay for chiropractic services. Bear in mind that exactly what is and is not eligible inside a Flexible Spending Account is ultimately determined by the IRS. The rules covering FSAs can and do change year-to-year and there is some gray area which is open for interpretation. The relevant IRS publications to consult for all the details are Publication 969: Health Savings Accounts and Other Tax-Favored Health Plans and Publication 502: Medical and Dental Expenses. You can find both of these online at and This article isn’t intended to provide tax advice or address your specific situation, but it will give you a broad overview and direct you to resources where you can learn more. Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, here is what consumers should know. IRS Publication 502 clearly states - “You can include in medical expenses fees you pay to a chiropractor for medical care.” This rather short statement covers the core things we do such as exams, diagnostic tests and spinal adjustments. Good news for you! It also states that “You can include in medical expenses amounts paid for transportation primarily for, and essential to, medical care.” This includes gas for your own car and also public transportation fees you pay in order to come to our office. Just keep track of your mileage, commuting routes or receipts in a log book. The IRS draws a distinction between ‘medical care’ and general health. Most purchases intended to keep you healthy or enhance your health don’t qualify. This includes nutritional supplements, exercise equipment and health club memberships. Weight loss programs also don’t qualify unless you are under medical supervision for a disorder such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease where weight loss is part of the disease treatment program. Note that there are two players for every FSA plan – the IRS and the benefits company providing the plan. In most cases the benefits company will allow everything the IRS allows, but some may have additional restrictions of their own. If in doubt about whether a specific service we provide is eligible, consult your corporate benefits administrator. If you would like to learn more about our office, click here. #Flexiblespendingaccountonchiropractic

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