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  • Overcoming Ankle Injuries with Chiropractic Care - 11/1/2022

    Have you suffered an ankle injury recently? If so, you may think that you need to start taking prescription medications to overcome it. Fortunately, this is not necessarily the case—especially when your local chiropractor can help you overcome a wide variety of common ankle injuries. With this in mind, it is important to take a look at how ankle injuries happen and what your treatment options are. Then, learn more about how a chiropractor cannot only help you recover but also help you prevent future injuries from taking place. How Do Ankle Injuries Happen? Ankle injuries come in many shapes and forms, but the most common type of ankle injury is an ankle sprain. This happens when you roll your ankle too far from the inside of your body to the outside of your body. If the ball on the outside of your foot touches the ground, there is a good chance that you have rolled your ankle too far. When this happens, you stretch the ligaments too far, and they begin to tear slightly. They may even detach from the bone slightly. This is how an ankle sprain happens, your ankle may swell up, turn blue, and hurt badly. There are other types of ankle injuries as well, such as an ankle fracture, but an ankle sprain is the most common type of injury. How Can a Chiropractor Help You? With this type of ankle injury, there is a good chance that the bones, ligaments, and tendons are no longer properly aligned. This can make it difficult for your body to heal properly. A chiropractor can examine and x-ray the ankle injury, figure out what damage has been done, then use manual therapy, also known as chiropractic adjustments, as well as rehabilitation modalities to help realign, reposition and restore the damaged tissue. When everything is lined up, your body will have an easier time recovering and healing with less scar tissue. You also might be able to bear weight on the ankle sooner than you expected. How Do You Prevent Future Ankle Injuries? Another major advantage of working with a chiropractor is that she can talk to you about how to prevent future ankle injuries from taking place. For example, she may recommend orthotics, balance exercises, and a few stretches that can improve your ankle flexibility, reducing your chances of spraining your ankle again in the future. Your chiropractor may also talk to you about exercises you can do to strengthen the muscles around your ligaments and tendons in the ankle. With stronger muscles, your ankle will have more support, and you will not be able to injure your ankle as easily. If you think your shoes are not providing the support you need, your chiropractor can talk to you about different types of footwear used in conjunction with orthotics that can help prevent ankle injuries from happening down the road. Ultimately, there are lots of ankle injuries you may suffer, but one of the most common injuries is an ankle sprain. This happens when you stretch the ligaments in your ankle too far, which can be very painful. Even though it can take weeks to recover from a sprained ankle, a chiropractor can help you shorten the recovery process while also minimizing possible complications and side effects from prescription drugs.

  • Why Runners Benefit from Chiropractic Care - 10/20/2022

    If you are looking for a great way to stay in shape, you might be thinking about aerobic exercise. This is a great way to burn calories, and one of the most straightforward exercises is to enjoy simply by going out for a run. Your heart rate will rise, you will burn more calories, and you can improve the health of your cardiovascular system. At the same time, it is important for you to take care of your body. That is why runners should consider working with a local chiropractor. What are some of the reasons why chiropractic care is so important for runners? Let's take a look at some of the most important points below. Protect Your Joints One of the first reasons why you need to visit a local chiropractor is that you need to protect your joints. Even though running is mainly an exercise of your legs, just about every joint in your body is going to be involved. You will flex and extend your ankles and knees with every stride. Your hips and back will be responsible for absorbing the shock of the pavement. You will move your elbows and shoulders as you swing your arms back and forth. If you want your joints to work properly, a chiropractor needs to make sure your bones and ligaments are healthy, in the right location and supporting your skeletal system correctly. This is important for protecting the cartilage between your joints, which will keep you comfortable, healthy, and, out of pain. Align Your Spine A chiropractor can also make sure your spine is in proper alignment. With every step you take, your back is going to absorb some of the shocks of the road. This adds up over time, and it could cause your vertebrae to move out of alignment. In addition, it can put a lot of stress on the discs in between your vertebrae. A chiropractor can take a look at your back and make sure your spine is properly aligned. This is important for making sure your nerves have plenty of room to go from your spine to the rest of your body. If your spine falls out of alignment, you may notice that you have a bit of discomfort when you run. A chiropractor can rectify this situation for you. Ensure Muscles Work Properly Finally, a chiropractor can also make sure your muscles work properly. If you want your muscles to do their jobs, you need to make sure they are functioning properly. If you have issues with your bones, ligaments, and tendons, your muscles may have a difficult time recovering. You may develop knots in your muscle fibers, and your muscles might not provide as much power as you expect. If you are developing some muscle stiffness and soreness, you should rely on a chiropractor to help you fix the situation. Reach out to a local chiropractor if you are experiencing discomfort and learn more about how a chiropractor can help you improve your running ability. Visit a Local Chiropractor If you love running, it is important for you to see a chiropractor regularly. You may not realize just how much of a beating your body is taking, and a chiropractor can help you take care of your joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Running is a great way to stay in shape, but if you want to keep running, you need to keep your body healthy. If you don't have a local chiropractor, give us a call. Dr. Bonnie is trained to assess the body as a whole and has experience treating all kinds of conditions and symptoms associated with physical activity. Plus, she will not only help make sure your symptoms stay at bay but will also get to the root cause of issues that you may be experiencing.

  • Piriformis Syndrome: What Is It and How Chiropractic Can Help - 10/8/2022

    There are a wide variety of issues that could impact the back and buttocks, and one of them is called piriformis syndrome. This is a condition that can have a significant impact on your overall quality of life. The piriformis muscle can irritate nerves in the nearby area, leading to significant pain and numbness, particularly along the back of the leg. Even though there are some people who believe they need to take prescription medications or undergo a surgical procedure, this is not always the case. A trained chiropractor can help someone address the issues related to piriformis syndrome, putting them in the best possible position to make a recovery. What Is the Cause of Piriformis Syndrome? Similar to other medical conditions, there are numerous possible causes of piriformis syndrome. Some of the most common causes include: · Some people develop muscle spasms in the piriformis muscle because something is irritating the hip, leg, or back. · There are situations where the piriformis muscle can tighten up in response to a significant injury, leading to piriformis syndrome. · Due to a prior injury, the piriformis muscle could swell, leading to numerous symptoms. · There might also be slight bleeding in the piriformis muscle, leading to significant problems. If the piriformis muscle expands or begins to spasm, it can lead to significant irritation of the sciatic nerve, causing a variety of possible symptoms. What Are the Possible Symptoms? Just like other medical conditions, the exact symptoms of piriformis syndrome can vary significantly depending on its scope and severity. Some of the most common symptoms include: · People with piriformis syndrome often develop tenderness in the buttocks. · They may feel a shooting pain that leaves the back and travels down the calf and foot. · This pain could get worse when someone tries to walk up or down the stairs. · Sitting for a prolonged period of time can lead to significant discomfort. · People with piriformis syndrome are often unable to move the hip joint as much as they once could. · Walking and running might make the pain feel better. Some people with piriformis syndrome may only experience one or two of these symptoms, while other people may experience all of the symptoms above. How Can a Chiropractor Help? There are a number of ways that a chiropractor can help. First, your chiropractor will take a complete history and do a full physical exam to understand exactly where the issue is coming from. Then, she can take a look at the spine and make sure everything is in the correct and proper alignment. There are situations where the bones, ligaments, and tendons might not be properly aligned in the spine, hips, or even the pelvis and this can lead to irritation of the piriformis muscle, causing it to cramp or spasm. As a result, it could irritate the sciatic nerve, leading to many of the symptoms above. Then, a chiropractor will help someone understand what they can do to prevent this issue from coming back. That way, a chiropractor will address the root cause, helping people not only get better but also stay better. Effective treatments for piriformis syndrome can significantly improve someone's overall quality of life. Piriformis syndrome is a serious issue involving the back, pelvis, and hip. Even though some people might think they need to undergo a dangerous surgical procedure, there are other treatment options available. A chiropractor can use adjustments to help address the root cause of piriformis syndrome. This will not only treat the symptoms on the surface but also get to the bottom of why someone might be experiencing irritation. Effective treatments for piriformis syndrome can significantly improve someone's overall quality of life. If you, a loved one, or a friend is suffering from piriformis syndrome, give us a call. Our Doctor of Chiropractic is trained to help not only alleviate the pain associated with this condition but also correct the root cause. So quit suffering needlessly.

  • 7 Tips That'll Help You Protect Your Lower Back - 3/25/2022

    Lower back pain is one of the most common reasons why people seek the care of a healthcare professional. If you are suffering from lower back pain, you should visit a chiropractor who can help you not only address this pain but also prevent it from coming back in the future. In the meantime, here are seven tips you can follow to protect the health of your lower back. 1. Use an Ergonomic Chair If you spend a lot of time sitting in an office chair, you should use an ergonomic chair that will make sure your back and legs are aligned appropriately. You may want to put a small rolled-up towel at the base of your back for added support. You can also use a standing desk to shift between sitting and standing, giving your back a break. 2. Reduce Everyday Stress There are steps you can take in your daily life to reduce physical stressors on your back. For example, do not bend over when raking leaves or using a vacuum cleaner. Furthermore, try to avoid using your back if you are shoveling or gardening. Even something as simple as avoiding a twisting motion while opening the door can go a long way toward reducing your chances of suffering an injury. 3. Target Your Core Muscles You need to take care of your core muscles to provide support to the trunk of your body. If your core muscles are not strong, your spine will have to do more work, placing more stress on the vertebrae in your back. You should consider water therapy, Pilates, yoga, exercise ball workouts, and low-impact cardiovascular exercise to improve the strength of your core muscles. 4. Give Yourself a Break You should also take a break from time to time. Your spinal discs and ligaments are going to get stressed if you use them continuously. If you have been outside for a few hours, rest for a few minutes. If you stand up for a few minutes and allow your spinal tissues to recover and restore their shape, you can reduce your chances of suffering an injury. 5. Lift with the Legs Lifting improperly is one of the most common reasons why people develop lower back pain. Instead of bending at your lower back, you should bend at the knees to use those bigger muscles instead of the smaller muscles in your back. That way, you use your feet, hips, and quads instead of your lower back. This can go a long way toward reducing your chances of suffering a serious injury. 6. Stretch Regularly You need to make sure you stretch regularly, particularly after playing sports. If you do not stretch, lactic acid is going to build up in your muscles, putting more stress on your back. This can increase your chances of getting hurt. If you are curious about which stretches you should perform, reach out to your local chiropractor for additional help. 7. Stay Hydrated You need to make sure you stay hydrated. One of the most common reasons why people develop disc concerns is that they get dehydrated. If you allow this to happen, you increase your chances of getting hurt. Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. Remember to bring a water bottle with you if you engage in athletic activity. 8. Work With an Experienced Chiropractor If you suffer from lower back pain, you should reach out to your local chiropractor who can address the root cause of your concerns. That way, you'll not only get better but also stay better. Your chiropractic will also help you improve your overall quality of life by protecting the health of your lower back! If you don't have a chiropractor, give us a call. We specialize in helping people just like you overcome lower back pain through safe and effective chiropractic care. So give us a call. We're here to help!

  • How Chiropractic Can Help You Overcome Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Pain - 3/8/2022

    Are you looking for help dealing with chronic low back pain? If so, there is a chance you may be dealing with something called sacroiliac joint pain. Unfortunately, this is a problem that impacts a lot of people every year. It can have a significant impact on your overall quality of life, so it is important for you to learn more about how a chiropractor may be able to help you treat this issue. With this in mind, what is SI joint pain, and how might a chiropractor assist you? Keep reading to learn more. What Is the SI Joint? Your spine is divided into multiple units. The sacrum is located at the base of the spine. The sacrum connects your spine to your ilium or hip bones. This connection is called the sacroiliac joint or simply SI. Both sets of bones provide stability and support, helping you absorb impact when you walk. Because these joints absorb a significant amount of stress, it is not unusual for someone to develop SI joint pain. When this happens, how does this present? What does this mean, and how might a chiropractor be able to help you? How Does Sacroiliac Joint Pain Present? Similar to other conditions, sacroiliac joint pain can present differently in different people. It depends on the exact location, the scope of the issue, and its severity. A few possible symptoms include: · This pain might get worse when you walk. · You might notice shooting pain that travels from your lower back into your legs and hips. · You may have a difficult time driving the car, particularly when working the pedals. · This pain might make it difficult for you to sit for long periods of time. · This pain can make it difficult for you to participate in activities you used to enjoy, particularly sports. · You may have a hard time getting up and down the stairs. · For all of these reasons, it is important for you to work with a chiropractor who can help you address these concerns. How Can a Chiropractor Help You? There are numerous reasons why you might be experiencing sacroiliac joint pain. A chiropractor will work with you personally, figuring out what the underlying concern is. She will want to know when the pain started, any types of past traumas or injuries, where the pain radiates, and anything that makes the pain better or worse. She will do a detailed physical exam, evaluate spinal alignment, evaluate posture, test range of motion of your spine and hips. If anything is out of alignment, a chiropractor can use chiropractic adjustments to properly align the bones, ligaments, and tendons in your back, pelvis, and hips. When this is combined with a properly designed treatment plan, you can comprehensively address SI joint pain and the root cause of this condition. A chiropractor can help you develop a comprehensive treatment plan for sacroiliac joint pain. This is a condition that can have a negative impact on your overall quality of life. You may have a difficult time sitting down, reaching for your coffee in the morning, bending over, to tie your shoes or driving a car. The sooner this issue can be diagnosed, the faster the treatment process can begin. Even though you may be suffering from chronic discomfort in your hips, you do not have to go through this alone. We've helped many people just like you overcome SI joint pain through safe and effective chiropractic care. So give us a call today or click here for more information. We're here to help!

  • How to Pick the Perfect Pillow for Superior Spinal Support - 2/21/2022

    Are you looking for more spinal support? If so, you need to find a reliable pillow that can help you. Even though a lot of people believe that a pillow is designed to support the head, it also plays a significant role in the alignment of your spine. If you do not have the right pillow, your spine could fall out of alignment, leading to significant back and neck pain, stiffness, and soreness. Then, if this is not corrected quickly, you could end up with chronic back pain, leading to a severe quality-of-life issue. What do you need to think about when you are trying to find the right pillow for spinal support? The Goal: What Should the Perfect Pillow Do? First, you need to think about what you want your spinal support pillow to do. Ideally, you should find a pillow that can keep your spine, neck, and head in proper alignment. The pillow needs to support the natural alignment of your spine. This can alleviate neck pain, prevent back pain, it also alleviates pressure on your nerves throughout your entire body. How do you find the right pillow to do exactly that? Consider the Loft of the Pillow First, you need to think about the loft of the pillow. Ideally, you should find a pillow that has a medium loft. This refers to the overall size of the pillow. You want a pillow that has a medium loft because it can alleviate pressure in your shoulders, base of your skull and neck. It will create a cushion between yourself and your mattress. If your pillow has too much loft, your head will be pointed upward toward the ceiling as you sleep. If your pillow does not have enough loft, it will feel like you are lying flat on your mattress without a pillow at all causing more strain on your neck muscles while sleeping. Think About the Firmness You should also think about the firmness of the pillow. You need a pillow that is strong enough to keep your head supported and adding support to the curvature of your neck while also ensuring it is in line with the rest of your spine. You do not want the pillow to completely flatten overnight. Otherwise, you could wake up in the morning with a pillow that is far too flat to give you any support at all. Even though you don't want the pillow to be so hard you can't fall asleep, you don't want it to be too soft either. Does The Pillow Conform to Pressure? Finally, the pillow should also conform to pressure. What this means is that your head should press into the pillow slightly, creating the feeling of your head being cradled by the pillow itself. That way, your head is comfortable, but it is also in line with your neck. You should also look for a pillow that provides some cushioning around your temples, which is particularly important for people who sleep on their backs. Find the Perfect Pillow for Spinal Support These are a few of the many factors you should consider if you are looking for the perfect spinal support. Ideally, you would have the opportunity to try out multiple pillows before you decide which one is best for you. If not, read online reviews of verified users and find out if there is a return policy.

  • What is Leg Length Discrepancy and How Chiropractic Can Help - 1/25/2022

    Most people take the length of their legs for granted. In order for your legs to function properly, they need to be the same length. For example, think about how uncomfortable it would be if your legs were different lengths! One leg would constantly feel like it was hitting the ground too early while the other leg would feel like it is having to stretch too far. This can have a profound impact on your feet, knees, hips, pelvis, and spine. Unfortunately, there are some people who have legs that are different lengths. This is called Leg Length Discrepancy, and it is something that can be addressed by your chiropractor. What do you need to know about this condition? The Types of Leg Length Discrepancy First, there are two different types of leg length discrepancy. The first type is less common and is called anatomical short leg. This is an actual difference between the size or length of the femur. Often, this takes place due to growth asymmetry. Most people who have an anatomical short leg are born with it but there are other situations that can cause it, too, like a severe infection, or even a past surgery. The other type of leg length discrepancy is more common and is called functional short leg. This refers to a difference in the alignment of the supporting structures between the head of the femur and the ground. Often, this type of leg length discrepancy develops because of misalignments between the two bones that make up the pelvis known as ilia. As one ilium rotates forward the other will compensate and rotate backward. This backward rotation causes the femur to shorten which makes it look like a short leg compared to the other. Excessive rolling of one's foot as someone walks as well as bowing of the knees, usually referred to as knee valgus, can be another component of functional short leg. The Symptoms of Leg Length Discrepancy Similar to other conditions, the severity of leg length discrepancy can vary widely from person to person. The most common symptom is back pain, which develops when the spine, pelvis or hips have to adjust structurally to make up for the differences between the legs. In severe situations, there are other symptoms that may develop. Examples include arthritis of the hip, patellar tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, iliotibial band syndrome, and lateral knee pain. Even though a lot of people believe they require surgery to correct this condition, this is not always the case. A chiropractor may be able to use a variety of techniques to help people manage this condition. Chiropractic Can Help with Leg Length Discrepancy A chiropractor is a nervous system and musculoskeletal expert who is well trained to handle conditions like leg length discrepancy. Their main goal is to help improve the overall health and well-being of your body. However, if you suffer from leg length discrepancy, she will address the various structural misalignments she finds throughout your legs, hips, pelvis, and spine by administering very specific chiropractic adjustments. She may also prescribe orthotics. Orthotics help support fallen arches, knocked knees as well as hip and pelvic rotation due to functional misalignments. Bottom line: Orthotics can make a significant difference in someone's overall quality of life since they help support chiropractic adjustments long after they've been administered. Your chiropractor is professionally trained to treat conditions just like this and can help you overcome it using various treatment options like adjustments, exercises, and orthotics. If you suffer from leg length discrepancy and are dealing with knee pain, hip pain, pelvic pain, or back pain, give your local chiropractor a call. If you don't have one, then give us a call. We'll get you in as quickly as possible and are always here to help!

  • How Connecting with Nature Can Improve Your Health - 1/7/2022

    If you are looking for a way to improve your overall health, you may want to consider spending more time with nature. Today, we are surrounded by technology. With phones, computers, and tablets constantly around us, it is easy to overlook the importance of the environment. If you want to look and feel your best every day, then you need to spend more time outside. Whether you simply go for a walk in the woods or go for a swim in the lake, there are lots of benefits that come with spending more time in nature. Here are a few points you should keep in mind. Experience a Change of Pace If you have been feeling a bit sluggish or stressed out, you may be spending too much time indoors in front of computer screens. How much time have you spent outside lately? As people, we have a deep connection with the world around us. If we do not nurture the bond we have with nature, we may feel drained of energy. If you feel like you are having trouble getting through the day, you need to spend more time outside. Take an extra-long look at the colors on the trees, spend time listening to the water, or even feel the breeze of the wind. A simple change of pace can be exhilarating, giving you the energy, you need to make it through the day. Improve Your Mental Health Spending time outdoors can-do wonders for your mental health. For example, if you are feeling down, try to focus on green spaces. A simple stroll in local wooded parks or green spaces can help you combat the winter blues and sense of depression. If you are feeling anxious, you may want to check out the hiking trails that are in your local area. This is a great way for you to exert some energy. That way, you can stop dwelling on the problems that are circulating through your head, helping you calm your mind and focus on your priorities. Focus on Your Physical Health Finally, spending time outside can also do wonders for your physical health as well. There are a lot of muscles that you probably do not exercise regularly. You may spend a lot of time sitting in an office chair staring at a computer screen. However, to maintain health you need to give your muscles a workout from time to time. Even going for a simple walk around the block can do exactly that. These are just a few of the many benefits that come with spending more time in nature. If you want to feel your best every day, it’s important to take a well-rounded approach to your overall health.

  • How Chiropractors Help People Who Suffer from Headaches - 12/14/2021

    If you are among the 45 million Americans who suffer headaches regularly, you are undoubtedly familiar with the traditional methods that people use to treat them, including taking some type of over-the-counter medication that is supposed to eliminate the pain and reduce any associated swelling. There are many other types of treatment that you may have attempted as well, including taking pharmaceutical concoctions designed to treat pain. However, none of these solutions provide permanent relief that addresses the problem at the core. In the past few decades, there have been an increasing number of patients throughout the country that have begun to seek alternative forms of therapy for all types of conditions, including headaches. One form of treatment that is very promising for physical as well as other types of pain is chiropractic. This form of alternative care has been used successfully for over a hundred years and has become a regular part of the American healthcare delivery system. In fact, there are an increasing number of insurance providers that are willing to pay for chiropractic because of its effectiveness. When a person goes to school to learn about chiropractic, they begin by studying the human anatomy in detail, just like other medical professionals. However, in addition to looking at how all the parts work together physically, their training primarily revolves around the diagnosis and treatment of misalignments in the spine known as subluxations. Theses subluxations compress nerve tissue that affects organ function, soft tissue like muscle, ligaments and tendons and can eventually manifest as other health problems if not treated. Once the nerves are disrupted pain will result. While it usually manifests itself as physical pain, this is not always the case. In some instances, the person may experience difficulties with sleep or other routine habits. On the first visit with a chiropractor, a review of previous health issues will be completed, including x-rays (if needed), postural assessment, and range of motion testing to determine what types of nerve blockage may be occurring. She will listen to the patient and make an assessment, including determining what types of treatment will best suit the patient. In the case of headaches, the patient usually has misalignment (subluxations) in the cervical spine. This may be accompanied by muscles that are unduly tight in the neck, shoulders, mid-back and possibly other nearby areas. Pressure on the nerves may cause sharp stabbing pains or there may be a continual dull throb in the region. Dr. Bonnie will assess the area and then move forward with treatment known as a chiropractic adjustment to help relieve the pressure and pain. The goals with the spinal treatments do not focus on relieving symptoms but rather correcting the underlying structural problem. If you need further help with your headaches or are ready to see how beneficial chiropractic care can be to your overall health, please click here to learn more.

  • Why Probiotics? - 11/12/2021

    What are Probiotics? The World Health Organization's (WHO) 2001 definition of probiotics is "live micro-organisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host". Following this definition, a working group convened by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and WHO in May 2002 issued the “Guidelines for the Evaluation of Probiotics in Food”. Probiotics must be alive when administered. Probiotics have received renewed attention in the 21st century from product manufacturers, research studies and consumers. The history of probiotics can be traced to the first use of cheese and fermented products, that were well known to the Greeks and Romans who recommended their consumption. The fermentation of dairy foods represents one of the oldest techniques for food preservation. The original modern hypothesis of the positive role played by certain bacteria, was first intro-duced by Russian scientist and Nobel laureate Elie Metchnikoff. In 1907 he suggested that it would be possible to modify the gut flora and to replace harmful microbes with useful microbes. Metchnikoff had also observed that certain rural populations in Europe, for example in Bulgaria and the Russian steppes, who lived largely on milk fermented by lacticacid bacteria were exceptionally long lived. Based on these observations, Metchnikoff proposed that consumption of fermented milk would "seed" the intestine with harmless lactic acid bacteria and decrease the intestinal pH and that this would suppress the growth of proteolytic (harmful) bacteria. Metchnikoff himself introduced sour milk into his diet fermented with the bacteria he called "Bulgarian Bacillus" and believed his health benefited. Friends in Paris soon followed his example and physicians began prescribing the sour milk diet for their patients. Fermented Foods: Some fermented products containing lactic acid bacteria include: pickled vegetables, tempeh, a traditional soy product from Indonesia, miso a Japanese seasoning, buttermilk, kimchi, a Korean cuisine staple made from salted and fermented vegetables, sauerkraut, yogurt, and soy sauce. Tablets, capsules, powders and sachets containing the bacteria in freeze-dried form are also available, but these probiotics taken orally can be destroyed by the acidic conditions of the stomach. Balance is Best: Healthcare professionals estimate that close to 75 percent of our body's immunity mechanism is located in the intestinal area. The immune cells located their share and space with a group of more than four hundred species of micro-organisms. A healthy immune system as well as digestion health requires all these micro-organisms to stay in balance with one another. There are helpful bacteria that protect us from illness and promote overall health as well as bad ones that can cause disease or health issues. The micro-organisms that live in our digestive organs are also known as ‘flora’. Flora is a biological defensive barrier of friendly bacteria that lines our intestines. There are many factors that can cause damage to the all-natural flora, such as periods of extended illness, the use of anti-biotics plus various other prescription drugs, in addition to a greater problem in our modern society, which is poor diet. Processed and packaged foods, as well as junk foods, are fast and easy ways to consume meals that are not nutritious nor beneficial to our bodies. As well, many processed foods lack probiotics due to processing, distribution factors and shelf life. Balance of your spine is also essential for good health, an active body and a properly functioning nervous system. Watch your diet, exercise and see your chiropractor regularly. Staying healthy now will pay off during your ‘golden years’ to keep you active and energized!

  • What is Coenzyme Q10? - 9/29/2021

    Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a necessary and natural compound found in your body, but deficiency may occur due to disease or low dietary intake. Q10 creates energy required by the cells in your body to enable them to complete their tasks. CoQ10 enzyme is similar to Vitamin K. It provides support in cellular reactions that lead to energy production in the form of adenosine triphosphate or ATP. The body has some reserves of ATP that can sustain heavy exertion of 5-8 minutes. After this the body needs to produce more ATP, which requires excessive amounts of CoQ10. As the human body ages the levels of CoQ10 gradually decrease. In some cases taking a CoQ10 supplement is beneficial and can increase natural levels over time. CoQ10 helps the nervous system with electron transfer, cell respiration, energy production and oxidation reactions and is clinically proven to support heart health. It is necessary for energy production and is also sometimes recommended by caregivers to help individuals suffering with other ailments. Research into Benefits of CoQ10: Some of the benefits of CoQ10 were derived from research done by world-renowned biochemist Linus Pauling PhD, who was a two-time Nobel Prize Laureate. CoQ10 has been studied for use as an antioxidant to protect cells from damage. CoQ10 has been used in combination with other antioxidants. Early study suggests that it may have antioxidant benefits in people with heart disease as low blood levels of CoQ10 have been associated with this condition and has been used in combination with other herbs and supplements for chronic heart disease. More information is needed on the potential benefits of CoQ10 alone. CoQ10 has been studied for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. There is promising evidence in support of the use of CoQ10 supplement for slowing this condition. However, more high-quality studies are needed. Further studies show promise of reducing and repairing muscle damage, cognitive problems and peripheral neuropathy caused by statin drugs used to reduce cholesterol. It has also been proposed by researchers that Coenzyme Q10 strengthens the immune system to help the body battle cancer. A Danish study revealed breast cancer patients who took Coenzyme Q10 required less pain medication and showed decreases in tumor size. Small studies have been conducted on the use of CoQ10 for many other maladies, such as high blood pressure, early age-related macular degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and asthma to name a few. Coenzyme Q10 deficiency: CoQ10 deficiency can occur due to improper diet or if there is a high demand of use by the body. Symptoms of deficiency include heart failure, high blood pressure and chest pain. Depending on the cause of the deficiency, a CoQ10 supplement or increasing dietary intake may be effective. Nearly 40% of hypertension sufferers have low levels of coenzyme Q10. The natural way to overcome a deficiency is through your diet. Meat and fish are the richest source of dietary CoQ10 and levels over 50 mg/kg can be found in beef and pork heart and liver as well as chicken heart and liver. Vegetable oils are also quite rich in CoQ10, especially soy and grapeseed oils. Fish containing the highest amount of CoQ10 are sardines and mackerel followed by salmon and tuna. Some vegetables and nuts are also good sources of CoQ10, especially avocados, parsley, spinach, and peanuts. Broccoli, grapes and cauliflower have modest sources of CoQ10 while most fruits, berries and dairy products are much poorer sources. Chiropractic care is also a ‘natural’ way of taking care of your body’s balance, flexibility and health so don’t forget those regular check-ups!

  • How Chiropractic Helps Alleviate Anxiety During Stressful Times - 9/21/2021

    Anxiety is a condition that affects tens of millions of adults in the U.S. year after year. As life becomes increasingly stressful which is certainly happening right now, anxiety symptoms can become more intense and make it difficult to live your life as you want to. When you are facing such difficulties, it’s natural to look for some relief. Chiropractic may offer a helpful solution for your stress in these hard times. Ways Chiropractic Can Help with Anxiety Chiropractic utilizes multiple types of treatment to help you achieve total health for your mind and body. Some of the ways that chiropractic can help with anxiety issues include: 1. Balancing your body to help your mind. Your mind and body are linked in countless ways. Mental disturbances like anxiety can cause physical symptoms like fatigue, headaches, and body aches. It makes sense that physical problems could lead to mental disturbances as well. Being in poor health, lacking mobility and pain can all lead to mental issues like anxiety and depression. Chiropractic focuses on your body and attempts to create optimal health through adjustments, massage, healthy diet, and exercise. By steadily improving the health of your body, chiropractic can naturally alleviate some mental stress in the process. 2. Release helpful hormones through spinal adjustments. A number of hormones with positive effects are released through spinal adjustments. Oxytocin helps improve feelings of bonding with others. Neurotensin helps alleviate pain caused by stress. Cortisol aids in relieving inflammation pain. All of these are released following a chiropractic adjustment. So, not only do you get your spine aligned and the benefits that alignment brings, but you also get an increase in many of the hormones you need to feel better mentally. 3. Helping with your blood pressure. Another positive effect of the most common chiropractic treatments is the lowering of your blood pressure. Studies have found that patients experience a drop in blood pressure they participate in chiropractic care. Symptoms of stress and anxiety include an increase in blood pressure. By getting chiropractic treatment, you can help to reduce your blood pressure and lower your anxiety level. 4. Encouraging a healthy lifestyle. Although you can stick to chiropractic adjustments when you visit your chiropractor, they offer a complete set of holistic health services if you are interested. They can advise you on improvements you can make to your diet and other lifestyle measures that will help improve your long-term health outlook. Anxiety naturally decreases when you feel better about your life something that is going to happen if you are eating better, sleeping better and living better. 5. Relief from tension. You might be surprised at just how much tension you carry in your body from day to day. But it will become abundantly clear that you are tense when you lie down on the chiropractor’s table and get an adjustment. You will certainly notice that, yes, your muscles and joints were much stiffer than you realized. All of that tension can exacerbate anxiety symptoms. A single visit to your chiropractor will help significantly to relieve tension and lower your anxiety levels. And making regular visits to the chiropractor will help to alleviate tension every time you go. If you are feeling stressed out right now and anxious, you are not alone. We want you to know that we are here to help. Please contact us to schedule an appointment and get the relief you deserve.

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